

Rogue River


Spent the day on Jerry's Rogue Jets and it was definitely well worth it! The staff is friendly and the trip up the river is fantastic. We saw all sorts of things, apart from the breathtaking views - narrow gorges, towering cliffs, stark rocks and luscious greenery - we also were able to get a glimpse of some deer, various types of birds and the cutest little otter!
If you do decide to go up Rogue River, keep in mind that it is pretty cold when you start off (I was wearing 5 layers and a jacket) and a blanket is provided to keep you a little warmer, but when you get as far up river as the tour goes (in Agness), it's pretty hot (peeled down to 1 layer and rolled up the jeans). It's very windy, so I don't recommend wearing a hat on the boat. In fact, one of our party lost his to the rogue waters!
All in all, a great way to spend the day!

See more pictures of the West Coast trip: the San Francisco layover, Crater Lake,  the Oregon Coastline  and beaches, Mt Hood and more!And don't forget to take a look at the packing guide!  

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