


Finally getting out of the cold winter weather and heading off to the sun!

Well, after freezing Beijing! So, here's the packing list for Angkor! 

  • the jungle and vines
  • the temple stone
  • the orange robes
Packing List

Angkor is no walk in the park! The check mark for "hiking" in the activities section on the packing guideline is no joke. The stairs can be extremely steep and you'll be using not only your feet but also your hands (and knees). So you need to bring shoes that you can really walk in, and clothes you're not afraid to get dirty. This doesn't mean hiking shoes, we were fine without, but I wouldn't recommend shoes that can easily fall off your feet.

We'll only be staying in Siem Reap for the temples, so I have no need for high heels. We are obviously planning to go around the town at night, but I'll stick to my flats.

Even though the weather will be hot (... can't wait!!) shorts and bare shoulders are not recommended. It *is* a temple, and as always, some modesty is required or at least expected (The security guards are a little flexible about the dress code, but better safe than sorry, and it's always good to show some respect. In fact, when I was there, a girl was denied access to Angkor Thom because she was wearing a strappy dress). Wear what you want, but bring something you can easily throw on if necessary. Also, when you visit the main sites (ie. Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom) where you will be able to climb up onto the temples, try not to wear anything floor length - it'll only make it that much harder to go up and down.

Check out pictures from Angkor and more info here, here and here!

Photo Credit: 
main photo by Travel Aficionado
for other pictures, please follow the link to Polyvore 

ទៅអោយបានសុខ (tuoo aoy baan sok)
Have a great Monday!

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