

Maxi Dress Airport Outfits

travel outfits: maxi dresses
 As you may have noticed, I am a total sucker for maxi dresses: the ease and comfort while maintaining some sophistication is really what I love about them. 

However, as the hot, humid Summer is prolonging itself here in Tokyo, I noticed a alarming increase of 'maxi-dressed' people milling about and a horrific revelation dawned on me. The maxi dress has become the new sweat pant.

Yes, it's easy. Yes, it's comfortable. But it's main benefit is that it can look great with so little effort! Adding the right accessories makes a world of difference! The options are almost endless, but for the purpose of airport travel outfits - I've gone with outfit ideas that don't include any necklaces, bracelets or buckles, and which include comfortable shoes which allows some kind of sock to avoid walking barefoot on airport floors. 

The choice of the maxi dress itself is important. It shouldn't be a potato sack-like dress. It should be slightly fitted. It doesn't have to be tight on the body, but it should at least skim the body or be tailored in one way or another (at the waist or at the bust), and make sure it's not so long that you keep stepping on it or need to hold it up going up and down escalators. You want an outfit that lets you keep your hands free. 

With a body skimming maxi dress, go for a leather obi-style belt that can be tied around your waist, or a thin leather leather belt that can be tied lower around your hips. Add a vest and a patterned scarf and throw on a pair of statement shoes for a nice, simple, polished look. 

With a patterned maxi dress that's tailored at the waist, throw on a comfortable jersey blazer, a pair of sophisticated flats and you're set!

With a patterned maxi dress synched at the bust, throw on a big embellished scarf and a pair of flats and off you go!

Have a great Summer! 

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