
Getting More out of Key Pieces


I LOVE autumn! It's perhaps my favorite fashion season: the tweeds, the plaids, the sequins, the pencil skirts, the boots, the blazers, the layering... I love it all!!

mixing textures and patterns [autumn]
I think mixing textures and patterns makes an outfit look so much more expensive and modern. One same item can look completely different when worn with another pattern.
I think some general rules of thumb are to:
- balance a loud print with a muted texture rather than another pattern;
- minimize colors if you're using a loud pattern;
- balance geometrical prints with non-geometrical prints;
- stick to one big print, and combine it with smaller ones;
- contrast textures if you're uncomfortable mixing prints and colors.

For example:

For more info, check out this great guide!

Have a great day!

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